Sunday, May 30, 2010

Teeny Weeny Baby Girl Bikini

Mabry Lynn has learned so much in the last few days!! She changes on a daily basis and it is so fun to watch her learn and grow! It's hard to believe my sweet girl is 3 months old! She has had baby food and LOVES it!! We started with green beans and I'm not sure she's a fan but she LOVES cereal and apple sauce for breakfast! It is so stinkin cute to watch her try to use a spoon! We had a lot of success with squash and carrots! She is one full and happy sweet girl! Daddy has been working hard with her to hold her bottle by herself and she has done it several times!! I like to think she's super smart! She has another accomplishment to add to her list, she has been sleeping in her CRIB! Such a big girl! I didn't sleep too well the first couple of nights she was in her room because I felt like I was sleeping with one eye open just waiting to hear her on the monitor. But we are getting used to it now. A lot of times she will sleep from 10:00 pm until about 7:00 am! I can put her in bed with me and get another good hour of sleep and it's so wonderful! She also had her very first swimming pool experience this week as well. We went to LaLa's house covered in suncreen and a tiny bikini (the baby was in a tiny bikini not this baby momma) to get a little sun! I offically feel like a Mom once again for buying a hot pink tankini, yes tankini, but I must admit it is comfy! Mabry did ok in the water in her goldfish float but after about 15 minutes she was over it. I don't think she was a fan of the cold water, another week or so the temp will be perfect! I'm a little sad because the mohawk is starting to lay down flat, like "normal" hair! I do love the hawk and it will be missed! Her little personality is really starting to show and it is the greatest experience to see her transform. Her little smile lights up my world! I've said it over and over but being her Mom is the best thing ever! The last two weeks have really shown me how quickly things change.

She had just woken up from a nap and was ready to sunbathe!

She looks so tiny here, checking out her flip flops!

It was a bit of a rough day but we had to get a picture in her 3 month old outfit!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Rain was welcomed today..

So after a LONG day yesterday of some Wardrobe Revolution action I met up with the girls at Las Fajitas and of course it was a great time! I'm always ready for a girls night and even more excited when it involves mexican food! Three margaritas and a Steven's special (my absolute FAVE!!) later I was one happy lady!! We laughed about so many things! One of my favorites was storytime about all the overrated wedding day hype! We laughed about my frosty lip gloss, but hey it's been true since the beginning of make up wearing days! And a girl needs her gloss right! ?

Before I met up with everyone for dinner I had to stop at Hobby Lobby really quickly and as I went to pay what do I pull out of my purse (I actually had a purse and not a yellow diaper bag!) a PACI! Of course! Just more evidence that sweet Mabry has taken over my world!! So I rarely carry a purse anymore and when I actually do, her things are in it! But it did make me smile a bit!

Fun night with pretty ladies!

Needless to say after an eventful night I welcomed the rain this morning! Mabry slept until about 9:00 and about 10:30 fell back asleep for about an hour and a half and Momma was right there with her!! Lazy I realize but it was so wonderful! The rest of the day was very productive, even though we started off slow! I am quite thankful for such a lazy and productive day? Oxy moron much?? But it was lovely! Now my bed is calling my name...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Here are a few things I've been busy creating! Let me know what you know I love my vintage floral!

Playing Catch Up..AGAIN!

So big surprise I'm behind AGAIN! Ok well maybe that's because we have been busy and oh so social! Claire & Bree's Spring Tea was such a good time! They sure know how to throw a party! It was decorated so cute and the kiddos were loving life! Mabry hung out with Bree on a blanket and they were as happy as could be outside! Of course I have a few pictures but once again must steal a few from Tara! Then after the party me and the girls went and sat on the patio for a little while, it was so nice to feel like a grown up!! It was such a good time and I can't wait to do it again!

Then Friday we were back at the Brown's for mexican food and margaritas! I just love it that Justin went to high school with Rachel and I promise they never thought their kids would be hanging out, but that's the great thing about life's humor! And I'm so glad it has turned out that way! It's so refreshing to be surrounded by nice and FUN people! It was great to relax and have great food, drinks, and convo!

Saturday was a busy busy day! I did a closet makeover for my great friend Shelley! It was her mother's day present and her husband did a lot of work to make sure it was a surprise! Then after getting baby girl squared away she went over to LaLa and Colonels house for the night. Justin & I went out to celebrate Amber's graduation! It was so good to see everyone! Then we attempted to be "cool" and go out, but of course that was short lived and we were home by 12:00! But it was nice to have a little date night.

Then Sunday was my first Mother's day, and even though I had to work it was still a good day! We woke up early and picked up Miss Mabry. After work we went to dinner with my parents. Justin was so sweet and got me a gift card for a pedicure (always a GREAT gift), some beautiful flowers, and probably the sweetest card in the entire world. Becoming a mother has been the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, I feel as if life has finally begun. Mabry makes each day an adventure and I feel blessed to have such a great husband to share all these special moments with! It was a great time to reflect and give thanks for the many blessings in my life, especially the 14 pound ones!! It also reminded me of my awesome Mom. She has taught me what it is to be a strong woman, wife, mother, and best friend! I could not imagine life without her! She has been the best role model and I pray that I can be that great to Mabry!

So here's to another great hump day!!
sweet little friends

chewing on those chubby fingers!
LOVE that baby girl!!

just like her Momma, loves to be outside!

Yay for pretty friends!

We are FAMILY!!

Daddy and Mabry

Susan, Amber -the grad, & Me

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Morning cup of Joe!

As I sit here with my coffee, while baby girl sits in her bumbo completely intrigued by Go Diego Go, I once again realize that I am behind on my blog! So starting right now I'm going to be better...I hope!

Oh my we have been busy! Last Friday night we went to the Muller's for pizza and wine. It was such a good time, as always! We always have so much fun at thier house! Not only are they great friends, but family too! Mabry is Brooks' God daughter as well. This was the first night she got to debut one of her many new hair bows and she looked sooo cute!

On Saturday I had to work a little bit, so princess hung out with Daddy. Then we went to a couple's shower for one of Justin's really good friends. Mabry was quite the trooper! We had to leave early after a couple of wardrobe changes and attempts to take a nap, but she survived even though over stimulated!

Sunday we had to get to cleaning! It is truly amazing how hard it is to keep a clean house with a baby! I am pretty particular about the house but the last two, almost three months it hasnt been quite so important! I guess in some ways motherhood has made me relax when it comes to that sort of stuff, so if you come for a visit and theres a mess or the hardwood floors need to be cleaned, sorry! But we did get caught up which was lovely! I swear laundry is NEVER ending, but that happens when you're the Mom of the spit up queen!

We have had a very eventful week! We are very excited for today! We are about to head to Fayetteville to do bridal makeup, Mabry will sit there and be cute! Then we are going treasure hunting (meaning searching for vintage jewels for flowers!) and then we are going to the Brown's for a tea party! It is going to be so fun and so cute! There will be pictures to follow!

I was just chatting with my dearest friend Susan (yes I know you will be reading this but you are!) and also Mabry's God mother about all of our new adventures and it made me think about how Mabry truly changes everyday now! She loves just looking around and taking it all in! And this little lady loves to smile and kick those chubby little legs when she is excited! It sure melts my heart!

So now that she is asleep in my lap it's probably best I actually get some things done for our busy day and weekend! Is that her way of telling me it takes me way too long to do anything these days?

This baby girl is ready for the party!

Don't you just want to kiss on those chubby cheeks!

She loves her Momma! Just ask her and she will smile this big!

"My Dad is Stronger than Your Dad" - not what she wore to the party, but after a little spit up that's what happens! And we removed the bow, she was a little worn out at this point!

I just love this little lady! She hasn't quite mastered the camera yet, but we are working on it!