As I sit here with my coffee, while baby girl sits in her bumbo completely intrigued by Go Diego Go, I once again realize that I am behind on my blog! So starting right now I'm going to be better...I hope!
Oh my we have been busy! Last Friday night we went to the Muller's for pizza and wine. It was such a good time, as always! We always have so much fun at thier house! Not only are they great friends, but family too! Mabry is Brooks' God daughter as well. This was the first night she got to debut one of her many new hair bows and she looked sooo cute!
On Saturday I had to work a little bit, so princess hung out with Daddy. Then we went to a couple's shower for one of Justin's really good friends. Mabry was quite the trooper! We had to leave early after a couple of wardrobe changes and attempts to take a nap, but she survived even though over stimulated!
Sunday we had to get to cleaning! It is truly amazing how hard it is to keep a clean house with a baby! I am pretty particular about the house but the last two, almost three months it hasnt been quite so important! I guess in some ways motherhood has made me relax when it comes to that sort of stuff, so if you come for a visit and theres a mess or the hardwood floors need to be cleaned, sorry! But we did get caught up which was lovely! I swear laundry is NEVER ending, but that happens when you're the Mom of the spit up queen!
We have had a very eventful week! We are very excited for today! We are about to head to Fayetteville to do bridal makeup, Mabry will sit there and be cute! Then we are going treasure hunting (meaning searching for vintage jewels for flowers!) and then we are going to the Brown's for a tea party! It is going to be so fun and so cute! There will be pictures to follow!
I was just chatting with my dearest friend Susan (yes I know you will be reading this but you are!) and also Mabry's God mother about all of our new adventures and it made me think about how Mabry truly changes everyday now! She loves just looking around and taking it all in! And this little lady loves to smile and kick those chubby little legs when she is excited! It sure melts my heart!
So now that she is asleep in my lap it's probably best I actually get some things done for our busy day and weekend! Is that her way of telling me it takes me way too long to do anything these days?
This baby girl is ready for the party!
Don't you just want to kiss on those chubby cheeks!
She loves her Momma! Just ask her and she will smile this big!
"My Dad is Stronger than Your Dad" - not what she wore to the party, but after a little spit up that's what happens! And we removed the bow, she was a little worn out at this point!
I just love this little lady! She hasn't quite mastered the camera yet, but we are working on it!